Outstanding reports

Note: Currency and terminology may differ depending on your region.

Outstanding reports is where you can keep track of and manage the status of jobs, orders and quotes. Outstanding reports really help to see the position of your business, and if managed well will ensure you keep on top of your day to day.

Access Outstanding reports by clicking on the folder.

You will see the list of all the reports available to you, with outstanding orders displaying all the jobs waiting to be completed.

The report can be filtered to a date range so you can view only jobs in the range that interest you.

Any jobs completed in the workshop can now be marked here as completed. Once a job is marked as completed it will be progressed up into the Completed not Collected report

The location of the job can also be changed, say from a drawer location to a rack location, making it easy to locate the job when the customer comes to pick it up.

When jobs are picked up they can be marked as collected and they will be removed from the outstanding report unless there is an outstanding payment, in which case the job would then show in Collected not paid.

Clicking on the Job/ Order number will allow to to open and edit the document if required.